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Terms of Service

Thank you for using the EvaleX Assessment Booking process.

Please note that in using the Evalex system (transacting, reading, interpreting, distributing, acting upon, rating, scoring, providing feedback, or processing data, reports or data export or any other information contained within, and from the Evalex Assessment Platform (Any system owned by the OMT group)), you, (as the client, reader, user, processors, vendor, partner, licensee or operator) accept the following terms, conditions, and best practice:

  1. You will ensure that all Evalex candidate information, results, and reports are treated with the highest level of confidentially. You will at all times use the information within the ambit of any relevant local, regional, or international privacy and data protection laws and standards (e.g. GDPR, POPIA), as well as any guidelines and laws as they pertain to the ethical and responsible use of selection methods and assessments.
  2. You will respect the candidate’s right to confidentiality and privacy.
  3. You will not distribute data, reports, exports or information to unauthorised parties.
  4. You will collect and use Evalex assessment information only where it is required to fulfil a specific purpose.
  5. You will process Evalex assessment information lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.
  6. You will ensure that candidates have consented to the use of their Evalex results for a specific purpose.
  7. You will delete or destroy Evalex assessment information when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  8. You will not distribute Evalex assessment results directly to candidates or any unauthorised person.
  9. You will only use Evalex assessment information for the Company (including users, management, HR representatives, processors, operators, vendors, or partners) who requested the assessment to be conducted.
  10. You will ensure that the Evalex assessment information is not being used in the decision-making process with regards to an employee(s) or prospective employee(s), beyond its intended purpose and the information contained in reports from or in the Evalex system must be used in conjunction with information obtained from other sources like other assessments, references, job performance data as well as any other information that could impact on the prospective employee(s). The ultimate decision as to how the Evalex assessment information is used and integrated remains with the company that requested the assessment (including users, management, HR representatives, processors, operators, vendors, or partners) and should be based on several factors in addition to the Evalex assessment information. You further take full responsibility and indemnify OMT Group from any consequential damage or claims that may arise from the decision-making process where Evalex assessment results play a part.
  11. You will ensure that your Company’s vendors or partners (e.g. HR and talent system providers, third-party vendors, data warehousing and analysis partners, or any other assessment providers and systems partners) will at all times use the reports, data and information within the ambit of any relevant local, regional or international privacy and data protection laws and standards (e.g. GDPR, POPIA), as well as any guidelines and laws as they pertain to the ethical and responsible use of selection methods.
  12. You acknowledge that the moment a report, export, or data transfer happens from the Evalex assessment system, OMT Group cannot be held responsible and is indemnified for any breaches of the above laws, standards, and guidelines, as well as any damages and/or claims that arise from any breaches. Responsibility and accountability to safeguard and protect candidate(s) private and confidential information now vest with you and the Company that requested the assessment (including users, management, HR representatives, processors, operators, vendors, or partners).
  13. You will maintain the integrity and security of the Evalex system. This includes ensuring confidentiality and protection of the IP of the Evalex system.
  14. You will not use the Evalex Platform while on any public Wifi.
  15. All intellectual property rights in Evalex Assessment Platform and all functionalities or modules of Evalex Assessment Platform are owned by the OMT Group.
  16. You are not permitted to:
    1. Copy or reproduce computer code, templates, layouts, evaluation scales, concepts, formulae, terminology in any form whatsoever (electronic, paper copy, slide presentations, etc.).
    2. Print or backup this software.
    3. Create derivative works based on in whole or in part upon this software.
    4. Merge the software or any concept or part thereof into another program or product.
    5. Decompile, recompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the application.
    6. Reduce the software or application to a human perceivable form.
    7. Disclose information about the software or products designated as confidential and proprietary.
  17. The remedies provided in any of the Evalex Assessment Platform or modules are the clients exclusive remedies and under no circumstances shall Organisation and Management Technologies be liable for any loss of revenue or data direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages whether based on contract, tort or legal theory.
  18. You further agree that if the OMT Group individually or collectively are required to engage in any proceedings, legal or otherwise, to enforce their rights under this agreement, they shall be entitled to recover from the user, in addition to any other sums due, reasonable attorney fees, costs and disbursements.

User Confirmation

I have read and understood the Important Information above.